Unpublished - Silly Human, Silly Human Race...(this includes me)

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Yes - Yours is No Disgrace 

A rant to offend, enlighten or amuse...pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

What if...

Lets say the equity markets are flying because of the never before seen amounts of funny money printed by the FED while inflation is somehow being kept in check**.
There have been times in history when funny money printing got to incredible levels but those times have always resulted in devaluation of the base currency and inflation of everything else – resulting in financial doom for the country or countries doing it.

So why is this time different?
Because the current administration, the current legislative power brokers and the main stream media says “it's different this time”.
We are experiencing an Orwellian double-speak world, where bad news becomes good news...facts** become false if they go against the narrative and nobody is blamed or are held accountable for anything (except for bitter-clingers and Bush...it's still Bush's fault, lest we forget).

Take today's FED speak as reported by Reuters – they are reporting that the markets are now embracing the potential for future tapering as “good news” where as any hint of tapering 6 to 12 months ago would have put the markets into a tail spin (actually, the markets went into a tailspin last year into January, until the FED back-talked or “re-explained” what they meant)... also reported in the article - future projected economic growth was lowered from 3% to around 2% - even more “good news”.

**The supposedly non-partisan Office of Budget Management's reports are being ignored by the government that created it...unsustainable Welfare, Medicare, O-Healthcare and Social Security programs are not inflationary and are not a problem friends...NSA snooping is good for you, can't you see? And forget about the Veterans Administration problems, the border crisis and the IRS scandals...nothing to see here, move along...Benghazi and rest of the mess in the Middle East should be ignored...Putin's aggressive Russia and China's ambitions are of no consequence ...etc. etc. etc.

“We've got the whole scene covered” says both sides in Washington...(we all belong to the government, don't you know?)...don't worry, be happy, sign up today.

Americans have become pathetically apathetic, not believing in anything we used to because it wasn't fair B-efore O-bama...Yes, it seems a reality for those with only a cursory view of history that it will all end badly.

Unless we are on the brink of an event like the Industrial Revolution of previous centuries

Now that's an off the wall idea for you.
Here's another :
The markets are flying in anticipation that the coming elections will change all of the above.
Expectations that a new government will be just as right-leaning as the current one is left-leaning is what's driving equity prices higher. Gone will be the restrictive, anti-capitalist agenda and a new free market path will emerge with a major league increase in new companies and new business formations that will exploit the world's proletariat once again – providing massive employment gains with the attendant disposable income for the middle and lower classes, including the cheap “undocumented” labor pool, you know, those that will do the jobs that Americans refuse to do.

Am I a racist if I paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King?
I still have a dream...in America's manifest destiny.