Medved Trader -- Free Version

Some issues exist if using Gain Capital Futures as the data source for MT.
Medved Trader software displays its Historical Charts for the CBOT & CME emini futures 
differently compared to Apex Trader software - - 
1) the monthly separator lines are offset by one day. 
 2) the 'trace' (cross hair) shows the candle dates offset by one day.

Apex vs MT 
After Backfill and after deleting the top row in the Historical Data window...
These tasks need to be done once at 4:30 PM EST and again at 6 PM EST
 in order to get rid of what looks like an "extra" bar that MT prints at those times
 which should actually be combined with the last bar, showing the full session 
from 6 PM the previous evening through 6 PM of the current day.

Alternative explanation of issues 1) & 2)